Frequently Asked Questions

Our team of Personal Injury Attorney can answer all of your questions on your free consultation call.  However, if you are looking for some other common questions and answers then you’ve found the place.


If you own a valuable bicycle, you can often connect your homeowner’s policy to cover the cost in the case of theft. Contact your insurance agent to ask about “Special Personal Property Insurance” if your bike is worth a considerable amount (i.e. $10,000). In some policies, you can recover stolen items even if they were stolen from a location other than a house. Other less-valued items in your house are already covered under a standard homeowner’s or renter’s insurance.

If you ride bicycles in Utah, you should accompany it with car insurance. It helps cover bicycle accident costs, including damages, lost wages, and medical bills. Talk to your insurance agent about your coverage and if it is sufficient.

Yes, Uninsured motorist coverage (UM) can be just important as liability coverage. UM pays for your medical expenses and other damages from an accident where the at-fault driver does not have car insurance. UM can be a great benefit to you and your family if you are ever involved in a hit-and-run accident. Talk to your insurance agent to make sure you’re covered.

Once the PIP insurance coverage is exhausted, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will not continue to make payments for your medical costs as you incur them. Instead, they will seek to pay a one-time settlement check for all your damages and losses. Therefore it is crucial at this point that you consult with an experienced accident attorney before making a permanent settlement.

Yes, Cyclists must give proper hand signals in order to turn right, left, change lanes, or stop. The following are necessary hang signals in their context:

  1. Left turn—left hand and arm extended horizontally.
  2. Right turn—left arm bent at the elbow with the hand extended upward, or right hand and arm extended horizontally.
  3. Stop or decrease speed—left hand and arm extended downward (§804).

Yes, a cyclist must stop at all stop lights, stop signs, and yield pedestrian and give right-of-way as would any motorized automobile. According to Utah law (SS1105) “A bicycle may ride straight through an intersection on the left side of a right-hand turning lane.”

Yes and no— it depends on where you live. Laws concerning bicycles on sidewalks vary depending on local city ordinances, but there is no statewide ban on it (S1106). For example, Downtown Provo and University of Utah campus have prohibited biking on sidewalks. Other than that, you may ride on the sidewalk but must ride at a slower pace and yield to all pedestrians.