From Victims To Victors

Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

signs of nursing home neglect

Nursing home neglect is a terrible thing that can happen to anyone. Injuries sustained in nursing homes are often more severe and painful. Patients may be physically weaker than they would be otherwise. At 435 Injured, we fight to protect those you love. Even if this means bringing the perpetrators of nursing home neglect to […]

Exploring Common Person Injury Claims in 2023

Understanding Common Personal Injury Claims in St George

Familiarizing yourself with personal injury cases may seem overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with an injury. Don’t worry, we will lead you through the complexities of filing a claim and help make sense of different types of injuries due to negligence or other causes while taking into account the legal processes involved in seeking compensation. […]

8 Reasons People Hire Personal Injury Lawyers

8 Reasons People Hire Personal Injury Lawyers

It is important to understand the process of pursuing a personal injury claim. Personal injury lawsuits can be complex and confusing, however, they are also meant to protect people. As the injured party, you may feel overwhelmed by the legal system and unsure of what steps to take next. Hiring a personal injury lawyer is […]

Understanding Commercial Vehicle Accidents

Commercial Vehicle Accidents

Did you know that commercial vehicle accidents can result in devastating occupational injuries and contribute to a significant number of work-related injuries? With the ever-increasing number of commercial vehicles on our roads, understanding the causes and consequences of these accidents, as well as your legal rights, is crucial in navigating the aftermath of a collision. […]

Do I Need a Lawyer For A Personal Injury Claim?

Do I Need a Lawyer a Personal Injury Claim

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident or a slip and fall, you might be wondering:  do I need a lawyer a personal injury claim? Can’t I just deal with the insurance company on my own? A study by the Insurance Resource Council, titled “Auto Injuries: Claiming Behavior and Its Impact on Insurance […]

The Reality Of A Slip and Fall Injury

slip and fall injury

Picture this: You’re walking down the street, minding your own business, when suddenly you slip on a wet patch of sidewalk and crash to the ground. The pain is immediate and intense, and you know right away that you’ve sustained a serious injury. This scenario is all too common, with millions of emergency room visits […]

Slip and Fall Injuries and Damages

Slip and Fall Injuries and Damages

Whether it’s slip-on ice or a wet floor, a fall on an uneven sidewalk, or a stumble over an unseen object, the injuries suffered from a slip and falls can be extensive. Slip and Fall Injuries and Damages can lead to compensation if you’re working with an experienced personal injury attorney. Below is a summary […]

Hurt and need an auto accident injury attorney?

accident injury attorney

Car accidents are never planned, and the aftermath can be overwhelming. The situation becomes even more complicated if you don’t have car insurance in Utah. Navigating the legal system after a collision in Utah can be tough without an auto accident injury attorney. However, there is hope! In this blog post, we will guide you […]

Pain and Suffering Damages

Pain and Suffering Damages

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you may be able to recover money damages from the negligent driver’s insurance company.  Additionally, this recovery can include funds to cover medical bills, compensation for lost wages, and damage to your vehicle.  In addition, pain and suffering damages may be able to be collected with […]

What to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney

What to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney

When you find yourself injured by a defective product, a negligent business owner or a careless driver, the steps are crucial. If you fail to take the right steps right away, you could inadvertently be giving away your right to seek retribution later on. That is why it is so important to seek the services […]